About Us
Our customers come from everywhere, from local Merritt car owners and businesspeople to Industrial Radiator clients from Kamloops and beyond.
We pride ourselves on being honest, straightforward, trustworthy and professional with our customers and delivering the whole spectrum of available radiator solutions.
Professional Affiliations
Mesabi Radiator Authorized Repair Facility & Sales Outlet

Sent to Editor of Merritt Herald (in response to the article written by Chris Koehn, “We got it good here, don’t we?”).
My family didn’t realize how good you had it in Merritt until we were on our way to a week’s vacation in Peachland and arrived in your town with a burst radiator at 4 pm on a Friday evening – not just any Friday but the Music Festival weekend. We were unable to get help at two auto repair business in town – one was closed and the other was booked up. A Super-Save Gas employee directed us to Sean at DCS Auto who, after assessing the situation, had his secretary phone around to a motel for us and then he called and arranged for us to go to Nicola Valley Radiators where Yves worked for a couple of hours trying to make repairs to our radiator. Unfortunately Yves was not successful in fixing the problem but it is important to note that, first of all, Sean came over and worked with Sean on our van and, secondly, Yves was very reluctant to accept compensation for his time due to the fact that it still wasn’t working.
We were fortunate to be able to find a motel to accommodate the six of us for the night, and in spite of the fact that Yves doesn’t normally work on a Saturday, he agreed to order a new radiator from Kelowna and to come in and open up his shop and install it. He allowed us to sit in his air conditioned office while he worked, he made numerous phone calls to ensure that the radiator would be on the first bus and then more calls when it didn’t arrive, he went to the bus station for both bus arrival times and kept us informed of the situation. We eventually got on our way to Peachland around 6 pm with the knowledge that our week’s vacation would very easily have been wiped out had we not met Sean or Yves.
The residents of Merritt are very lucky to have people like Sean and Yves who could just as easily have chosen to spend a sunny weekend relaxing with their family and friends. They have demonstrated the true meaning of customer service. A big “Thank you” is due to these unofficial ambassadors for Merritt!
May and Ron Leeper
Aldergrove, BC
To Yves and Family,
Thank you again for fixing the water pump!!!! We made it to the wedding on time and made it home with no trouble thank goodness! Again thanks a million!!!! It’s nice to see there are still nice, friendly, trusting people in the world!
Please keep in touch – my email is…
From: Denise and Alan
To Yves & Karen,
We just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! So very much again for the time you spent flushing out our motorhome radiator on Sept. 6th.
Everything has been going great with it!
Hope your enjoy the smoked Alaskan Salmon!
Scott Martan
Good morning,
I wish you were on Facebook so I can acknowledge what you did for my Dad and Stepmom while they were on their way home to Deka Lake. Or have a spot on your website.
They have had a stressful time to be sure. They sold their place as it was just too hard on them gathering wood, trying to plow their long driveway etc. etc. They have to be out at the end of the month so they were frantically packing. With the evacuation that put a damper on things and they are beyond stressed right now. We live in Washington so with the stupid border closed down we aren't able to give them a hand at the moment.
Thankfully their home didn't sustain any damage! Thanks for the wonderful work of the firefighters and all others that helped with the fires.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble. What you did for them with their air conditioning went far beyond generosity!! It makes a person's heart feel good to know that there are people that care about the older folks.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness. We will spread the word about you for sure, and hope when we can go up to BC we can stop in and thank you in person.
Yves and Koren Lefebvre have a wonderful day!!!
Very respectfully yours,
Kim & Alan Freed